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11 3 2025

Commissioning of the Biological Treatment Stage at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ostrava-Přívoz

The September flood in Ostrava affected many key locations across the city, with one of the most significant consequences being the shutdown of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant. The extent of the damage was estimated at up to CZK 500 million. Its restoration was a priority for the city, and as soon as post-flood conditions allowed, efforts to restart the facility and resolve this emergency situation began.

4 3 2025

Searching for Ostrava’s Athlete of the Year 2024

Do you know an athlete who achieved outstanding sports success last year? Don’t hesitate to nominate them for the Athlete of the Year award, an annual poll organized by the City of Ostrava. This initiative recognizes the city’s top athletes and showcases their achievements to the public.

4 3 2025

Delegation from Partner City Opens Exhibition on Dnipro at the New Town Hall

Today, Ostrava’s Mayor, Jan Dohnal, welcomed a delegation of representatives from the Ukrainian city of Dnipro in the representative halls of the New City Hall. Dnipro has been a partner city of Ostrava since last year. Following a meeting held in a positive and friendly atmosphere, the delegation opened a photography exhibition in the town hall foyer, introducing the city of Dnipro to the public.