Ostrava Sports Games Break Records

13/1 2025

How to get children away from mobile phones and computers is showcased by the Ostrava Sports Games, whose fifth edition is organized by the city of Ostrava in collaboration with the Association of School Sports Clubs.

Ostrava Sports Games Break Records

Medal participants of the Ostrava Sports Games. Photo. Antonín Krůpa

It must be said that this largest school sports event is enjoying success in the metropolis and breaking records, with the number of participating children and schools rising sharply. The autumn segment of this year's games attracted an incredible 2,000 participants from 44 elementary schools!

"The aim of the Ostrava Sports Games is to motivate children to engage in physical activity and adopt a healthy lifestyle. The children get to try a wide range of different sports, compete, and experience the joy of teamwork. They may even discover the type of movement that suits them best, which they can then pursue in their free time. This year's fifth edition introduced skiing competitions, which took place on January 9. Participants can also look forward to a badminton tournament at the end of February. In March, CrossFit competitions will be held again and activities in gymnastics, dodgeball, handball, volleyball, football, and athletic triathlon  will take place throughout the year. Around June the top 10 schools based on their performance throughout the project will be announced," explains Deputy Mayor Andrea Hoffmannová.

At the beginning of the current school year, in September 2024, the Ostrava Sports Games commenced with district rounds in cross-country running and athletic quadrathlon. Both events garnered significant interest, with a record 650 students from 46 elementary schools participating. The most notable sporting event of the autumn was floorball, which is traditionally a very popular and sought-after activity. From October to December, a total of 24 district rounds and four county rounds took place, attracting a record number of elementary schools. Competitions were held in four categories: younger boys, younger girls, older boys, and older girls. In total, 1,350 students from 39 schools participated in the floorball competitions, marking another historical record.

Every year, ambassadors of the Ostrava Sports Games motivate students. In this year's edition, aspiring Czech boxer Julie Poledníková, who represents Boxing Ostrava, can serve as a role model for young athletes. She is a member of the Czech boxing team. In 2024, she earned the title of European vice-champion and was named Ostrava's Talent of the Year 2024. Julie studies at the Sports High School in Ostrava, where she successfully combines her sports and academic activities. Šimon Fasner, a talented junior hockey player from HC Vítkovice Ridera, who is also a member of the Czech U18 national team also inspires young athletes.

"The Ostrava Sports Games are not the only project showing children the way to physical activity. In the first half of this school year, we also implemented a pilot project called (R)Evolution of Movement, aimed at improving physical education in elementary schools. The project was carried out at two elementary schools in collaboration with Ostrava University. Students introduced modern approaches to physical education to make movement fun for children," concluded Andrea Hoffmannová, Deputy Mayor for Education.

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