Ostrava is an online star!

26/7 2018

TBEX Europe Ostrava has kicked off. It is the world's largest gathering of bloggers, vloggers, content creators and travel professionals active in the social media. Ostrava is the first city in Central Europe to host this conference.

Ostrava is an online star!

Ostrava will have a strong online presence these days!
Ostrava will welcome around 500 travel influences from around the world with a reach of 300 million readers. Organizers expect 20,000 online contributions and 300 million impressions in connection with the conference. The conference speakers are stars!

Conference programme



Ostrava is presenting itself proudly

It offered Colours of Ostrava, excursions, city tours. The tours are spiced up with fine details, as well as "personalities". Therefore, they include tasting 

of the "mining flag" and snack when visiting the Michal Mine or Landek Park. An authentic tour is also offered by two "Ostrava guys" and the pragulicOVA project. They will present Ostrava without sentiment, but with pride. The bloggers have already gone on many trips. During these summer days, after visiting the Ostravar Brewery, the bloggers looked forward very much to sitting down at a restaurant, sinking in all of Ostrava's flavours. There have been quite a few new places with good food and drink, so the choice was pretty wide. Other regions in the Czech Republic, including Prague, also offered their program to the conference participants. Everyone wants to show as much as possible and take advantage of having the media wizards here in Ostrava.

The organizers preferred Ostrava to Madrid
When selecting the venue, a certain role was also played by Ostrava's genius loci, which it is successfully developing. And it was also the abilities and extremely friendly attitude of the people around Convention!!!, who were the first to meet with the TBEX team.

"The Ostravians may not be aware of what city Ostrava is, how big a change is happening right in front of their eyes. "Ostrava has changed over the past 20 years for the better", says one of the conference attendees, adding that he has a friend in Canada whose daughter lives here and sometimes tells him about Ostrava.

The TBEX (The Travel Blog Exchange) conference begins on July 26 in the Lower Vítkovice. The conference is primarily attended by bloggers, video or podcast creators, as well as editors, travel magazine publishers, PR and marketing agencies, travel agents and hotel owners.
