Investors most frequently seek properties in industrial zones
This trend is apparent especially in the Ústí, Karlovy Vary and Moravia-Silesia regions
In 2017, CzechInvest received 216 enquiries from investors seeking properties in the Czech Republic. The most frequently sought properties were industrial land plots (47.2%), followed by production facilities (43.1%) and office premises (9.7%). Brownfields were the subject of 22.7% of all enquiries. In comparison with 2016, demand for business properties increased slightly, which to a significant extent can be explained by the generally improved economic climate and thus the greater willingness of investors to implement investments of a long-term nature.
Investors most frequently enquired about industrial land plots covering an area of two to five hectares (27%). As in past years, the Ústí region (17%) enjoyed the strongest interest among investors, followed by the Karlovy Vary (11%) and Moravia-Silesia regions (10%). With respect to industrial facilities, investors most frequently expressed interest in properties ranging in size from 2,000 to 5,000 m2 (33%), particularly in the Ústí (14%), Moravia-Silesia (12%) and South Moravia (11%) regions.
Demand for office premises did not deviate from the trend of recent years. Investors most frequently enquired about properties with an area of up to 500 m2. Enquiries were focused especially on the cities of Prague, Brno and Ostrava.
Even though investors mostly did not directly enquire about brownfield locations – whose regeneration presents a risk of delay in the start or expansion of investors' activities – investors expressed interest in suitable brownfield properties in more than 22% of cases.
CzechInvest prepares offers of business properties from its own database, which contains records of both publicly and privately owned business properties. Registration in the database is free of charge. More information about the database is available by e-mail at